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Foo Fighters

sábado, septiembre 15

Echoes Silence Patience & Grace (2007)

1. The Pretender
2. Let It Die
3. Erase/Replace
4. Long Road To Ruin
5. Come Alive
6. Stranger Things Have Happened
7. Cheer Up, Boys (Your Make Up Is Running)
8. Summer s End
9. Ballad Of The Beaconsfield Miners
10. Statues
11. But, Honestly
12. Home

The Cure

miércoles, septiembre 5

The Cure - Faith (1981)
The Cure - Wish (1992)
The Cure - Seventeen second The Cure - Faith The cure - Wish the cure - gratest hits

Bajofondo TangoClub

sábado, septiembre 1

Bajofondo tangoclub: 2002

Bajondo Tangoclub: 2002 (remixes)

bf bajofodno remixes